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4200 Ionised Air Nozzles

Ionised Air Multi-Nozzle Systems 

The 4200 Ionised Air Nozzle System is a versatile and effective method of removing dust and static electricity.

The 4200 Ionised Air Nozzles System is used to clean and neutralise mouldings, plastic sheets, conveyors and a wide range of three-dimensional products.

  • The 4200 is very versatile. It can be made in a wide variety of shapes and sizes.
  • The quantity and position of the nozzles can be varied according to the customers requirements with just one air connection for the whole assembly.
  • The Air nozzles amplify the compressed air by a factor of up to 20:1 for very economical performance.
  • The 4200 Nozzles produce a cone of ionised air for wide area coverage.
  • Also available as Single Point 4200.
  • See also Data Sheet for 1250 Bar for details of the integrated static eliminator bar.

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Название фирмы: EXIM – TECH, s.r.o.
Адрес: Partizánska cesta 456/76, 97401 Banská Bystrica
Телефон: +421 48 4147 086
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